This month, news from Cara Black, Joan DeJean, Anya von Bremzen, Patricia Wells, Neil Gordon, Heather Hartley, Dave Eggers, Lynn Hoggatt, Naomi Wood, Jethro Turner, Elizabeth Dearnley, Geoffrey Gilbert, Andrew Davidson Amity Gaige, Mo Willems, Lise Faulise, Mireille Guiliano, Margo Berdeshevsky, Zoë Skoulding, Sian Melangell Dafydd, Fred Benhaim, Kate Noakes, Gwenn Le Métayer, Stephanie Schwerter, Jennifer K. Dick, Jean-René Ladmiral, Yen-Maï Tran-Gervat Peter Wortzman, Linda Pastan, Jeffrey Greene, Sarah Towle, Gwyneth Hughes, the Young Authors Fiction Festival, Word for Word, Rough Magic Theatre Company,and the Belleville Literary Social. Update ongoing…
Exciting new books!
Watch for Cara Black, Joan DeJean, Patricia Wells, Anya von Bremzen, Kristin Espinasse, Diane Johnson, Jennifer K Dick, Stephanie Schwerter and more! Details and author interviews coming...
Selected Literary Events:
Recurrent events Open Mic poetry Mondays and Thursdays and Weekly drop in Writing Workshop on Saturdays!
Wednesday 5 March 19h30 Amity Gaige will discuss her latest novel Schroder, written in the first person, about a divorced father who abducts his own daughter. @ American Library in Paris
Vendredi 7 et samedi 8 mars à 19h30 Rough Magic Theatre Company presents Jezebel A clever comedy about the inane consequences of hot sex meeting cold statistics. “One of the most enjoyable night’s theatre I've had all year… not in recent memory has there been so perfect a comedy on the Irish stage.” (***** 7€ (5€ pour étudiants et demandeurs d'emploi) Réservation nécessaire In English - env. 80 mn @ Irish Cultural Center
Saturday 8 March 15h00-16h00 (ages 5+) A Reading with Mo Willems Join popular American author and illustrator Mo Willems for a reading of some of his fantastic books for children. This event will be held at the American Cathedral parish hall. Free for Library members, please bring library cards to show at the door. No sign-up necessary! Parents welcome! Note: Mo Willems will not be signing books at this event, but will do so at an evening event for adults on 18 March at the Library.
MOVING PARTS presents a reading of two one-act plays by Gwyneth Hughes: BACK OF BEYOND (Indeed you do have everything most women dream of. You’re the queen of your domain. Rich, lovely, and married to a famous man. Your life is like a fairy tale...) and IN LESS THAN NO TIME (I never heard you called Fay. It must be a name you used as a kid when playing a game. Okay with me if you want to change it, but don’t get confused on our wedding day.) with SONIA BACKERS, CLARA KUNDIN, CARLINE LEMIRE, JEREMY COFFMAN, DAMIAN CORCORAN, JEAN-CHRISTOPHE LUCCHESI @ Carr's Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris Metro : Tuileries
MONDAY: 10 March: IVY Writers Paris happening in salon home apartment style at 19h30: Chez Grace, 46 rue Abesses, 75018, 3rd floor (with readings and MUSIC by Fred Benhaim, Kate Noakes and Gwenn Le Métayer) See official info at:
Tuesday 11 March, 19h30 Deciphering the building blocks to handwriting success
In collaboration with S.P.R.I.N.T., Lise Faulise explores techniques and tips for handwriting readiness. @ American Library in Paris
Tues., March 11, 6:30 p.m. Writing & The Paris Persona: Neil Gordon, Elizabeth Dearnley, and Geoffrey Gilbert *Hosted by AUP’s Writer in Residence, Andrew Davidson C-12 Combes Bldg, 6 rue du Colonel Combes 75007 @AUP
Tuesday 11 March from 8 pm Belleville Literary Social! Join us at Flaq (36 rue Quincampoix) for cocktails, Italian wine, Brooklyn beers and readings by new writers including Lynn Hoggatt, Jethro Turner and Elizabeth Dearnley Where: Flaq, 36 rue Quincampoix Paris 75004 Metro: Chatelet, Rambuteau. Free and open
AND TUESDAY 11 March at 19h at Le Comptoir des presses : 86, rue Claude Bernard, Paris 75005 for the publication of Traduire: transmettre ou trahir? Réflexions sur la traduction en sciences humaines. Jennifer K Dick and Stephanie Schwerter, editors in French with an evening of round table debate on translation : La traduction, langue(s) du monde Entretien avec Stephanie Schwerter, Jennifer K. Dick et Jean-René Ladmiral animé par Yen-Maï Tran-Gervat For more see INVITATION SOIREE LANCEMENT TRANSMETTRE OU TRAHIR
March 12th from 5-9 pm AAWE Showplace Open to the Public and features artists, artisans and writers in a musical ambiance. Jazz singer Lisa Lindsley will be performing with Sheldon Forrest on piano. Showplace is an art exhibition, a marketplace, a meet-up, a cocktail and a great place to learn more about AAWE. So please join us! Entrance 5€ More info or [email protected] at the American Church in Paris, 64 quai d'Orsay, 75007 Paris.
Thursday, March 13, 2014 Meet Mireille Guiliano bestselling author of FRENCH WOMEN DON'T GET FAT as she presents and signs her new book FRENCH WOMEN DON'T GET FACELIFTS a tWHSmith Paris on Thursday 13th March. Signing 6-7pm. Presentation 7-8pm @WH smith Pl reserve on Facebook
Tuesday 18 March 19h30 Mo Willems uncovers the process behind his illustrations and writing for his award-winning children's books. @ American Library in Paris
Thurs., March 20, 6:30 p.m. An Evening with Poets Margo Berdeshevsky & Zoë Skoulding Hosted by AUP’s visiting writer Sian Melangell Dafydd C-12 Combes Bldg, 6 rue du Colonel Combes 75007 Special note: Zoë Skoulding’s most recent collection, The Museum of Disappearing Sounds, has been shortlisted for The Poetry Society’s Ted Hughes Award for New Work in Poetry. @AUP
If you’d like to take part, please email Milly Unwin at[email protected], and tell her whether you’d prefer a larger or a smaller role. Parts will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis, and we’ll let you know a week in advance of the reading whether you have a role. No preparation necessary, and we’ll provide the scripts. Please note that, due to space restrictions, the Bard-en-Seine Readings will only be open to those taking part.
Saturday 22 March Join Sarah Towle, co-director of YAFF, for the final writing workshop for writers ages 8-14 and get tips on how to edit and prepare your story for submission. Space is limited and reservations can be made to Celeste Rhoads at [email protected].
Don't miss the Salon du Livre Porte de Versailles March 21 -24!
23 MARCH: HANIF KUREISHI ON THE LAST WORD 7 pm @Shakespeare and Co
Mon., March 24, 6:30 p.m. Peter Wortzman, Translation Workshop ARC, 147 rue de Grenelle, 75007 @AUP
Thurs., March 27, 7:00 p.m. Mirror Visions Ensemble Leaves of the Butterfly Tree: Musical setting of poems by Linda Pastan & Jeffrey Greene Grand Salon, 31 Av. Bosquet, 75007 @AUP
27 and 28 March Word for Word returns to the American Library in Paris for the 19th year to present In Friendship by Zona Gale, a century-old comedy of American small-town mores and manners. Don’t miss the two performances in Paris on 27 and 28 March, which take place at the Theatre Adyar. A suggested donation of 20€ (10€ for students) at the door helps us sustain this creative partnership. An informal reception with cast and crew of In Friendship follows the 28 March performance at the Library. To reserve, send an email to: [email protected]
Sunday 30th March 7.15 for 7.30 MOVING PARTS featuresa reading of a screenplay by Corneliu Mitrache ALIEN HANGOVER - When a race of reptilians, descendants from the dinosaurs, threatens to wipe out humanity, three misfits from outer space come to the rescue as the stars of a Hollywood franchise — after abducting the actors during the premiere of their latest sequel...with JEREMY COFFMAN, RONALD CROOKS, BILL DUNN, DOUGLAS ENGLISH, MORGAN LAMORTE, COLUM MORGAN, STEPHANIE CAMPION, TANYA GALLAGHER, PHILIPPINE DE SAINT-EXUPERY on Sunday, 30th March 2014 at 7.30 pm Carr's Pub & Restaurant 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris Metro : Tuileries
March 31 7 PM Naomi Wood on Mrs Hemingway @ Shakespeare and Co
March 31 – April 5, 2014 You are cordially invited to an exhibition featuring Lilya Pavlovic-Dear, Meredith Mullins, Nadine Coleman, and Kent Ravenscroft! Reception: March 31st from 6-9 pm Accompanied by live Jazz music Galerie Etienne de Causans 25 rue de Seine 75006 Paris Open from 11 am to 1 pm and from 2:30 pm to 7 pm except Sundays and Monday mornings