This month, news from Sam Riviere, Helene Cixous, Rachael Allen, Kit Buchan, Jack Underwood, Jenna Marie Warenecke, Luc Benazet, Michael Hellier, Kate Stables, Anna Jarota, Bianka Reinhartd, Rosy Lamb, Sally Eggert, Lola Peploe, Laurel Zuckerman, Steve Howard, Ellen Hampton, Scott Dominic Carpenter, Alicia McKenzie, Lantzie Miller, Damien Cifelli, Sarah Towle, Katy Masuga, Darren Frey, Heather Hartley, Adam Biles, Nathan Lecoff, Rosa Rankin-Gee. and many more. Update ongoing...
Paris writers author news:
The inaugural American Library in Paris Book Award was attributed to Embers of War: The Fall of an Empire and the Making of America's Vietnam, by Fredrik Logevall.
Damien Cifelli won The Telegraph's travel writing competition - and £200 - for his account of going in search of his great-grandfather's 1883 home in Paris
The Geneva Writers Conference will take place January 31 to February 2, 2014. Conference Information
PWN will publish a special series of interviews about the International Fine Art Photography Award.
The 2014 Young Authors Fiction Festival has announced its submission deadline: 1 April 2014. Here is the
YAFF 2014 Flyer.
We are delighted to welcome Meg Bortin, author of Desperate to be a Housewife to the Paris Writers News Team.

New interviews with Paris authors and photographers
Coming soon: Kathleen Spivack, Salvatore Di Gregorio, Ann Mah, Clydette de Groot, Peter Erickson, Meredith Mullins, Matthew Gonder, Meg Bortin
For readers of French, check out the interview with Marc Trévidic: French terrorist expert, judge and author of Terroristes: les 7 pilliers de la déraison. (For non-French readers, PWN now has a google translate button on the upper right corner - select your language and see...)
Readings, Writer Workshops and Book Launches in Paris (plus some stuff for kids!)
(update ongoing)
EVERY Saturday from 17-19h at Shakespeare & Co : the Other Writer's Group, the writing workshop hosted by Bruce Sherfield and David Barnes. It's open to all! Read here about how the Other Writer's Group works.
December 1 @ 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm PLU Writing Workshop @ Shakespeare & Company 37 Rue de la Bûcherie Paris, Ile-de-france 75005 France
December 1 @ 6:00 pm “Life is in the banlieue” : reading @ La Generale 6 Grande Rue Paris, 92310
Monday 2nd December 7:00pm Launch of The White Review No. 9 at Shakespeare & Company, with editors Benjamin Eastham and Jacques Testard and four of Britain's best young writers : Sam Riviere; Rachael Allen; Kit Buchan and Jack Underwood @ Shakespeare & Company Bookstore
December 2 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm PLU Magazine @ Shakespeare & Company 37 Rue de la Bûcherie Paris, Ile-de-france 75005 France

4 Dec Story Hour 10h30 & 14h30 (ages 3-5): Dog Days @ American Library in Paris
5 Dec Mother Goose Lap-Sit 10h30 & 17h00 (ages 1-3) @ American Library in Paris
December 5 @ 8:00 pm - 11:55 pm PLU Open Mic featuring Jenna-Marie Warenecke @ Culture Rapide 103 rue Julien Lacroix Paris, Ile-de-france 75020 France
6 Dec 17:00-18:30 Vision-Boarding - Writing Supercharged @ American Library in Paris

Friday 6th December 6:30pm Steve Howard on 'Kant's Critique of Pure Reason and Metaphysics’ @ Shakespeare & Company Bookstore
Saturday 7th December 2013 2-3.30pm Noreen Riols will sign her memoir THE SECRET MINISTRY OF AG. & FISH: MY LIFE IN CHURCHILL'S SCHOOL OF SPIES. Kindly RSVP by email to books(at) or on FACEBOOK.. @ WH Smith
7 Dec 10:00-19:00 Used Book Sale @ American Library in Paris
7 Dec 12:00-13:30 Young Authors Fiction Festival: Tips & Tricks with Sarah Towle @ American Library in Paris
7 Dec 15:00-16:30 Bon Bon Voyage (ages 5+) @ American Library in Paris
Dec 7-8: Paris Writers Weekend led by Wendy Goldman Rohm. For information and prices see: Paris Writers Retreat Weekend
December 8 at 8pm The first of a series of literary events at Atelier Sainte Marthe. Join us from 8pm for mulled wine, mince pies and lots of literary fun. Reading new (or newly published!) work will be Katy Masuga, Darren Frey, Heather Hartley, Adam Biles, Nathan Lecoff and Rosa Rankin-Gee. @ Atelier Sainte Marthe 26 Rue du ChaleT, 75010 Paris, France
Monday 9th December 7:00pm Helene Cixous, professor, feminist writer, poet, playwright, philosopher, literary critic, and novelist, on her new novel, Twists and Turns in the Heart's Antarctic @ Shakespeare & Company Bookstore
December 10 @ 7:15 pm - 10:00 pm Ivy Writers featuring Luc Benazet and Michael Heller Luc Bénazet's most recent book is : La vie des noms (Nous éditions, 2013). Michael Heller has published over 20 volumes of poetry, essays, memoir and fiction; his most recent book is This Constellation Is A Name: Collected Poems 1965-2010 (2012), See/RSVP at our FB event invite/ AT: LE NEXT, 17 rue Tiquetonne,75002 PARISmétro Etienne Marcel/RER Les Halles For more, see Ivy Writers

Wednesday 11 December 2013, 14:00 - 17:00 Ebook conference:E-Writing, E-Publishing: Risks and Rewards, with panelists Anna Jarota, director of the Anna Jarota Literary Agency; Bianka Reinhardt, director of international business for Books on Demand; Laurel Zuckerman, editor of Paris Writers News, and author of EBOOKFAQ (Jan 2014); and Sally Eggert, author of In the Dark, a Random House e-novel (Jan 2014). Panel to be moderated by Ellen Hampton - writer, historian, lecturer and author of Playground for Misunderstanding (2013).
To sign up for this workshop at the Mona Bismarck American Center, please email [email protected] requesting to join. Space is limited to 30 and the price is 10€. @ Mona Bismarck American Center for art & culture 34, avenue de New York 75116 Paris +33 (0) 1 47 23 38 88
Wednesday 11 December 2013, 19:30 Panel Discussion: Being a First-time Novelist, with Scott Dominic Carpenter, author of Theory of Remainders (Winter Goose Publishing); Alecia McKenzie, author of Sweetheart (Peepal Tree); and Lantzey Miller, author of City Limit (GrandViaduct). @ American Library in Paris

Wednesday 11th December 3:00pm . Bring your children (2-6 year-olds) to Children’s Hour – music, rhythm, and stories for kids. Led by the magic Kate Stables, there will be instruments to play and a lot of noise to make! Four euros donation appreciated. (Due to space restrictions, please email Kate Stables at [email protected] to confirm your place. Each child is accompanied by only one adult where possible.) @ Shakespeare & Company Bookstore
Friday 13th December 6:30pm Book signing party for artist Rosy Lamb’s exquisite first picture book, Paul Meets Bernadette, a tale of love and lunacy between two goldfish. @ Shakespeare & Company Bookstore

Friday Dec. 13 at 7 p.m. Christmas party at the Abbey Bookshop, with Christophe Lebold presenting LEONARD COHEN: L'HOMME QUI VOYAIT TOMBER LES ANGES and Meg Bortin presenting DESPERATE TO BE A HOUSEWIFE. . Come enjoy the mulled wine. Contributions of Christmas cookies welcome! @ Abbey Bookshop
Dec. 14-15,from 12:00 noon till 6 p.m. Paris Writers Weekend, Saturday and Sunday, which includes lunch and a networking soiree and reading in the evenings. Held in a private loft in the Marais, near St. Paul. For fees, registrations and more information, write to:
[email protected]
Monday 16th December 7:00pm Christmas evening of Edwardian tales of mystery and imagination, presented by The Cats Meet. The stories will be narrated by Paris-based actor Lola Peploe, accompanied by music from violinist Daniel Pioro, leader of The London Contemporary Orchestra. @ Shakespeare & Company Bookstore
Tuesday 17 December 2013 Signing 6-7pm Presentation 7-8pm Patricia Wells will present and sign her new cookery book THE FRENCH KITCHEN COOKBOOK. Kindly RSVP by email to books(at) or on FACEBOOK.. @ WH Smith
Check Paris Writers News regularily for updates as we add to the list of events!
You can follow us on twitter @pariswriters or on Facebook at Paris Writers News (we are not against "likes" - or even "smiles" ). If you have news about Paris writers, we invite you to post on our Facebook page)