This month, events with Pierre Assouline, Pierre Bergé, Jerome Rothenberg, Yves de Manno, Anthony Flint, Max Bryd, Lisa Pasold, Paul Griffith, Denis Hirson, Fiona Sze-Lorrain, John Mateer, Kathryn Maris, Patricia Wells, Cara Black, Jerry Fielder, Matéi Visniec, Louis Armand, Thor Garcia, Louis Armand, Jennifer K. Dick, Andrew Hodgson, Jane Lewty, David Vichnar, Joshua Edwards, Michelle Noteboom, Lynn Xu, Margo Berdeshevsky. Jerome Rothenberg, Pierre Drogi, Kate Noakes, James Brookes, Paul Emond, Hubert Lucot, Eugène Nicole, Jonathan Coe, Nicholas Manning, Bertrand VAN RUYMBEKE, Marie-Jeanne ROSSIGNOL, Andrew Davidson, Seb Emina, David Lebovitz, Debra Wiess and Lance Tait