This month, news from Christine Herzer, Mirsia Bochis, Caballeros Psicodélicos, Perry Argel, Michelle de Kretser, Andrew Nagorski, Yannick Renier, Philippe Calvaio, Carole Pereira, David Lescot, Edward Smallfield, Valerie Coulton, The Tower Theatre, Christelle Rosar, Michèle Cohen-Halimi, Emmanuel Fournier, Martin Richet, Bénédicte Vilgrain, Frank Smith, Pierre Giner, Eavan Boland, Ciaran Carson, Eamon Grennan, Biddy Jenkinson, Medbh McGuckian, Maighréad Medbh, Paula Meehan, John Montague, Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin, Joseph Woods, Timothy Bradford, Fiona Sze-Lorrain, William Jay Smith, Jean-Paul Daoust, Joël Hubaut, Sebastien Lespinasse, Marilyn Kaye, Saul Williams, Mary Duncan, Fred Coleman, Nelcya Delanoë, Jeffrey Greene, David Barnes, Kate Noakes,Cecilia Woloch, Heather Hartley, Chris Boïcos, Caty Lévêque, Seamus Heaney, Jérôme Mauche, Clarisse Herrenschmidt, Emmanuelle Pireyre, Alice Boatwright, Amanda Kantor, Catherine Von Handroff, Corinne Gaston, Melina Charis, Emily McPeek, Sari Rachel Forshner, Jackson Burgess, August Luhrs, Mallika Dhaliwal, Maria Peltekova, Tyler Ann McClure, Ruth Madievsky, Shelby DeWeese, Pinar Selek, Michelle Perrot, Florence Rochefort, Michel Bozon, Jean O’Sullivan, Declan McCavana, Michael Craig Gradwell, Shakespeare and Co, Virginia Galvan, Chris Garrecht-Williams, Tino Villanueva, and Alejandro Murguía, Sue Chenette, Dylan Harris, Andrew Parkin, Catherine Cusset, Yves Cusset, François Cusset, Stephane Kirkland, Mark Gerchick, Michelle Perrot, Florence Rochefort, Michel Bozon, B.J. Novak, Nâzim Boudjenah, Darren Frey, Jeffrey Yang, Jonathan Regier, Chris Adrian, Meghan O’Rourke, Lily Robert-Foley, Lan Samantha Chang, David Downie, Geneviève Guilpain, Elaine Equi, Daniel Pozner, Harry Clifton, Vona Groarke, Derek Mahon, Théodor Storm, and more!
Summer enrollment in BILINGUAL ACTING WORKSHOPs in Paris and New York is open! Visit: to learn more.
Musical Theater in English:
"Edges" is showing: June 13, 14, 15, 2013 (21h) June 26, 2013 (19h)
July 3, 2013 (19h) At: L’Auguste Théâtre
6, impasse Lamier, 75011 Paris
"The Last Five Years" will be performed June 27, 28 (19h) July 6, 9, 10, 11, 2013 (21h) AT L'Auguste Theater. 6, impasse Lamier, 75011 Paris

MONDAYS: SpokenWord Au Chat Noir, 76 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud 75011. Métro Parmentier/Couronnes. Stand up, monologues, stories, beat poetry: all kinds of spoken word welcomed, whether in English or Français; “Chacun a son mot à dire.” Make the words come alive. Acoustic songs also welcome. Sign up from 7.30pm in the bar. Poetics start from 8.30pm underground. Check out the Practical info page for more info. Themes:
June 3rd – Dying
June 10th – Rhymes
June 17th – Anticipation
June 24th – Dreams (Contest – see above) Follow the themes and your work could be published in the literary magazine ‘the Bastille’ which is affiliated with the group.
THURSDAYS : Paris Lit Up Open Mic every Thursday (in English or any other language) Sign up is continuous all night, but first come first served from 19h30. The fun starts at 20h. Rotating hosts Jason Mc Gimsey, Kate Noakes, Emily Ruck-Keene. AT: Culture Rapide, at 103 Rue Julien Lacroix, 75020.

2 June – 9 June from 11h - 18h daily: See “Je m’existe” art show by Paris-based author and plasticienne Christine Herzer, To learn more about Christine Herzer’s work, see: and: and: AT: Gallerie Evi Gougenheim/Artplace 14, rue Coetlogon, 75006 Paris Metro: St Sulpice
2 June - 9 June THE TEMPEST by Shakespeare/La Tempête de Shakespeare. En français. Théâtre des Quartiers d’Ivry. Show times: 12h00 Tuesday 4 June (student matinee), 12h00 Wednesday 5 June (student matinee), 19h00 Wednesday 5 June, 12h00 Thursday 6 June (student matinee), 19h00 Thursday 6 June, 15h30 and 19h00 Saturday 8 June, 15h30 Sunday 9 June Tickets: €20 (concessions €15, under 14 years €12) For more information, visit:

2 June 11h FRENCH ENGLISH POETRY FESTIVAL MOVIE NIGHT: Festival franco-anglais de poésie: projection de films vidéo réalisés autour des poèmes de la Traductière n° 31 « Poèmes que nous sommes/ Domaine roumain », en collaboration avec le Festival international du film expérimental - FIFE 2013, organisé par l’artiste roumain Mircea Bochis et en collaboration avec le Festival international du film expérimental de Baia Mare, en Roumanie - Entrée : 6 € organisé avec le Festival franco-anglais de poésie AT : Cinéma La Pagode (Paris 7e), 57 rue de Babylone 75007 Paris, M° Saint-François-Xavier (13)
3 June 7pm Michelle de Kretser on Questions of Travel: Laura travels the world before returning to Sydney, where she works for a publisher of travel guides. Ravi dreams of being a tourist until he is driven from Sri Lanka by devastating events. Michelle de Kretser illuminates travel, work and modern dreams in this brilliant evocation of the way we live now. This event will be chaired by Craig Taylor, author of ‘Londoners’ and editor of the literary magazine, Five Dials. AT: Shakespeare and Company, 37, rue de la Bucherie, 75005. M° St Michel or Cluny la Sorbonne.

3 June at 7:30pm: Evening with an Author: Andrew Nagorski will present Hitlerland: American Eyewitnesses to the Nazi Rise to Power. Nagorski's fascinating book explores a new aspect of this period in European history - through the perspectives of American diplomats, reporters, Olympic athletes and even U.S. citizens living in Germany who saw firsthand the construction of the Reich in real-time.AT: the AMERICAN LIBRARY in Paris, 10, rue du Général Camou 75007 Paris Metro: Ecole Militaire (line 8), Alma-Marceau (line 9), RER: Pont de l'Alma (line C), Bus Routes: 42, 63, 69, 80, 82, 87, 92
TUESDAY 4 Juin 2013 - 20h HERVE GUIBERT, LETTRES A EUGENE SAVITZKAYA PAR YANNICK RENIER & PHILIPPE CALVARIO!22--herv-guibert/ct0d Maison de la Poésie - Passage Molière - 157, rue Saint-Martin - 75003 Paris - Infos et Réservations tél : 01 44 54 53 00 du mardi au samedi de 14h à 18
4 June 19h30—Ivy Writers Paris SPECIAL event PERFORMANCE AND POETRY NIGHT with a performance by Carole Pereira, directed by Criona Laing based on a play written by poet and dramaturge David Lescot followed by readings by author, translator and Apogee press publishers and authors Edward Smallfield and Valerie Coulton. . AT: DELAVILLE cafe, 34 blvd Bonne Nouvelle, 75010 Paris, M° Bonne Nouvelle More info at :

4 June - 9 June. The Tower Theatre returns to the Théâtre de Verdure de Shakespeare au Jardin Pré-Catalan MAP with its production of “The Taming of the Shrew.” IN ENGLISH. For tickets see website and contact 01 45 20 67 30 Jardin Shakespeare, Bois de Boulogne, Paris
UK’s Tower Theatre Company is coming back in June for their 22nd annual season at the Théâtre de Verdure in the Bois de Boulogne, this year performing The Taming of the Shrew, in English with French subtitles.
The play’s essential questions are revitalized through Questions this production's setting in the “rock'n'roll years of the 1950s.”
PAN has purchased 10 tickets for the June 4th performance at 7pm, group-rate, at 15€ each.
To sign up and for further details please contact Tessa Smith at [email protected].
4 June à 19h Rencontre avec CHRISTELLE ROSAR pour son témoignage J’ai survécu à la psychiatrie (Max Milo) En présence de Martine Dutoit et Marie-Claude Saint-Pé, auteures de la postface et de Jeannine Chalot de l’association Advocacy. AT : la librairie Violette and Co, 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. Bus 46, 56, 76, 86. tél : 01 43 72 16 07

WEDNESDAY 5 June, à 19h30 Michèle Cohen-Halimi, Emmanuel Fournier, Martin Richet et Bénédicte Vilgrain. AT: la Librairie Corti, 11 rue de Médecis, Paris 6ème, Entrée libre, et
5 Juin - 20h GAZA, D'ICI-LA / TALK SAVER: FRANK SMITH & PIERRE GINER Lecture-performance multimedia Pour plus de détails:!23-franck-smith/c1prw
THURSDAY 6-9th June (all day and evenings too): L'Irlande, pays invité du Marché de la Poésie: Eavan Boland, Ciaran Carson, Eamon Grennan, Biddy Jenkinson, Medbh McGuckian, Maighréad Medbh, Paula Meehan, John Montague, Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin, Joseph Woods. Together with readings and discussions, two new anthologies and two new collections in French translation will be launched. Find the programme for the Marché and its Périphérie at: and more info on the Irish Cultural center events at:
FRIDAY 7 June at 7 PM: UPSTAIRS AT DUROC, readings TIMOTHY BRADFORD, CHRISTINE HERZER and FIONA SZE-LORRAIN. at: Berkeley Books of Paris, 8 rue Casimir Delavigne, 75006 Paris, Metro Odéon.
SATURDAY 8 June from noon to 3pm. SOS Help's "buy a bag of books for 5 euros" sale at St Joe's Church, 50 avenue Hoche, 75008 Paris.
8 June. 15,00-16,00: American Library in Paris. William Jay Smith, former Poet Laureate of the United States, is pleased to offer a program of light verse and comic poetry to children and their parents at the American Library in Paris. He has written ten collections of poetry, two of which were nominated for the National Book Award. A part-time Parisian, Smith moves between his homes in Cummington, Massachusetts, and Paris, France. No sign-up necessary!
Parents Welcome
8 June, 11h, 14h30, 16h30 (Events All Day): le collectif poésie is not dead, dans le cadre du Marché de la Poésie de Paris (programme complet en pièce jointe), vous invite à la performance Rimbaudmobile II : Le Retour ( ). Les poètes Jean-Paul Daoust, Joël Hubaut et Sebastien Lespinasse accompagnés du musicien-improvisateur bricoleur de sons Thomas Fernier et des vidéastes Anne-Sophie Terrillon et Christophe Acker vous convient à passer quelques minutes avec nous : 11h00 : Parvis Beaubourg, fontaine Niki de Saint Phalle et Jean Tinguely : Sebastien Lespinasse et Thomas Fernier 14h30 : Place Colette : Jean-Paul Daoust et Thomas Fernier 16h30 : Place Stalingrad : Joël Hubaut et Thomas Fernier Captation vidéo : Anne-Sophie Terrillon et Christophe Acker Conception : FM
8 June. At WH SMITH. Book signing
Saturday 8th June 2013
Marilyn Kaye will sign
her new novel for young adults
8 June 19h30 Artist Serene Wise will talk about her exhibition Homage to Daniel Buren. AT: the AMERICAN LIBRARY in Paris, 10, rue du Général Camou 75007 Paris Metro: Ecole Militaire (line 8), Alma-Marceau (line 9), RER: Pont de l'Alma (line C), Bus Routes: 42, 63, 69, 80, 82, 87, 92
SUNDAY9 June 6pm Saul Williams: American poet, singer, musician, writer and actor. Crossing boundaries and genres, his work promises to inspire. He won the title of Grand Slam Champion at the Nuyorican Poets Café in 1996, and has worked with musicians including Nas and Nine Inch Nails. He says poetry: “…is the window that opens, that allows some air in, some other insight, some other possibility so we can explore all that we feel...” AT: Shakespeare and Company, 37, rue de la Bucherie, 75005. M° St Michel or Cluny la Sorbonne.
9 June at 7.30 pm MOVING PARTS presents an evening of short films in French by various authors (screen) AT: Carr's Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, Metro : Tuileries
9 June from 11h - 18h Final day to see: “Je m’existe” art show by Paris-based author and plasticienne Christine Herzer, For more info on “je m'existe” and Christine Herzer’s work, see: and : and : AT: Gallerie Evi Gougenheim/Artplace 14, rue Coetlogon, 75006 Paris Metro: St Sulpice
MONDAY (Reminder)19h30- SpokenWord – open mic/scène ouverte: performance poetry, stand up, monologue, stories, beat poetry, sketches, songs, spoken word. Open to all languages. Au Chat Noir, 76 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud. Métro Parmentier/Couronnes. Run by David Barnes & Alberto Rigettini.
, JUNE 11, 2013 – 6:30 TO 8 pm AUTHORS MARY DUNCAN & FRED COLEMAN TALK ABOUT NAZI RESISTANCE IN FRANCE - Mary Duncan’s next book deals with the Jewish Resistance in Paris and Fred Coleman’s newly published, “The Marcel Network”, a Book of the Month Club selection last January, tells the story of a young French couple who selflessly saved hundreds of Jewish children from being deported during the German occupation. Free for PAN members, 5€ for non-members. To sign up please contact Mary Ann Rivet at [email protected]
11 June à 19h Rencontre avec Nelcya Delanoë. Ethno-historienne, traductrice, écrivain, Nelcya Delanoë est professeur honoraire des Universités. Elle a publié une dizaine de livres et de nombreuses traductions. AT: Librairie Michèle Ignazi 17, rue de Jouy 75004 Paris métro : Saint-Paul ou Pont-Marie
12 June 6:00 p.m. Reading by Jerome Rothenberg AT: the gallery of Éditions Caractères, 7, rue de l’Arbalete, Paris
12 June 18h Please join us for a fantastic reading in celebration of the University of Southern California’s The Poet in Paris Program directed by poet and long-time part-time Paris resident Cecilia Woloch. With readings by USC The Poet in Paris faculty and friends Jeffrey Greene, David Barnes, Kate Noakes, and brief readings by Cecilia Woloch and Heather Hartley. Entrance is free, but audience members are expected to purchase at least one drink. AT: La Pierre Du Marais, 96 rue des Archives, 75003, Metro Arts et Metiers or Temple.
12 June at 7:30pm: ART TALK: Paris Art Studies lecturer Chris Boïcos returns to the Library to present the works of artist Marc Chagall reflecting themes from the exhibit Marc Chagall: Between War & Peace, now on view at the Musée du Luxembourg through 21 July. Boïcos takes us from Chagall’s Russian period in his hometown of Vitebsk during the First World War to his biblical paintings evoking the rise of the Nazism and onto his post-WWII life as a refugee in the U.S., showing how Chagall’s work embodies the strife of the 20th century. AT: the AMERICAN LIBRARY in Paris, 10, rue du Général Camou 75007 Paris Metro: Ecole Militaire (line 8), Alma-Marceau (line 9), RER: Pont de l'Alma (line C), Bus Routes: 42, 63, 69, 80, 82, 87, 92
12 Juin à 19h Vernissage de l’exposition d’œuvres de CATY LÉVÊQUE “La grande bibliothèque de Pétaouchnock” L’artiste Caty Lévêque et sa complice Fiona Britee ont entrepris de faire connaître Pétaouchnock, un pays avec sa culture, sa langue, sa géographie, son histoire et ses coutumes, comme un vrai pays ! L’exposition présente une série de livres sous cadres accompagnés de leur quatrième de couverture, prêtés par sa Grande Bibliothèque. A noter: les auteures de ces ouvrages ne sont que des femmes ; quoi d’étonnant dans ce pays dont la déesse préférée est Hypathie d’Alexandrie, mathématicienne et philosophe grecque. Pour plus de détails: AT : la librairie Violette and Co, 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. Bus 46, 56, 76, 86. tél : 01 43 72 16 07
13 June READING with Nobel laureate SEAMUS HEANEY! Seamus Heaney has published a dozen collections including Death of a Naturalist (1966), Door into the Dark (1969), Wintering Out (1972), Electric Light (2001), Human Chain (2011). Heaney was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature 1995 “for works of lyrical beauty and ethical depth.” An Irishman himself, Heaney will read in the courtyard of the Centre Culturel Irlandais. AT: The Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5, rue des Irlandais, 75005 Pars--RESERVATION STRONGLY RECOMMENDED FOR ALL EVENTS: see email on their site at: For more info :
13 Juin à 19h – entrée libre POÉSIE PLATE-FORME Jérôme Mauche reçoit Clarisse Herrenschmidt, anthropologue, et Emmanuelle Pireyre, écrivain. AT: FONDATION D'ENTREPRISE RICARD, 12 rue Boissy d'Anglas 75008 Paris, Entrée libre du mardi au samedi de 11h à 19h
13 June 7pm ALICE BOATWRIGHT on Collateral Damage In Collateral Damage three linked novellas explore the lasting effects of the Vietnam War on people living in its shadow – including both those who fought and those who didn’t. These stories from one of American history’s most divisive eras show us that Vietnam may not be as far behind us as we think. A Small Press Distribution summer bestseller in 2012, Collateral Damage received the Bronze Medal for Literary Fiction from the Independent Publisher Book Awards in May 2013. It was also a finalist for the Flannery O’Connor Award for Short Fiction. For more information: AT: Shakespeare and Company, 37, rue de la Bucherie, 75005. M° St Michel or Cluny la Sorbonne.
13 June 19h30-00h00 PARIS LIT UP Open Mic every Thursday (in English or other languages too – when in Rome, speak French) Sign up is continuous all night, but first come first served from 19h30. Rotating hosts Jason Mc Gimsey, Kate Noakes, Emily Ruck-Keene. AT: the historic home of French Slam poetry, Culture Rapide, at 103 Rue Julien Lacroix, 75020.
14 June 17h30 to 19h30 Please join us for a fabulous reading in celebration of the University of Southern California’s The Poet in Paris Program directed by poet and long-time part-time Paris resident Cecilia Woloch. Thirteen talented and spirited creative writing students read poems written over their month-long stay in Paris: AMANDA KANTOR, CATHERINE VON HANDORFF, CORINNE GASTON, MELINA CHARIS, EMILY McPEEK, SARI RACHEL FORSHNER, JACKSON BURGESS, AUGUST LUHRS, MALLIKA DHALIWAL, MARIA PELTEKOVA, TYLER ANN McCLURE, RUTH MADIEVSKY and SHELBY DeWEESE. Food and beverages available for purchase. at Le Café Rouge, 32, rue de Picardie, 75003, Metro Arts et Metiers or Temple.
14 June 7.30pm Shakespeare and Co Production of Much Ado About Nothing. Taking place right outside the Shakespeare and Co., the play revitalizes Shakespeare's classic comedy. AT: Shakespeare and Company, 37, rue de la Bucherie, 75005. M° St Michel or Cluny la Sorbonne.
14 Juin à 19h Rencontre avec PINAR SELEK pour son roman La maison du Bosphore (L. Lévi) A Istanbul, quatre jeunes épris de liberté cherchent leur place dans une société figée depuis le coup d’État de 1980. La condition des femmes et des minorités, les conventions sociales, l’oppression politique : tout leur pèse. Premier roman de P. Selek, sociologue, militante féministe et pacifique turque, exilée en France après avoir été accusée à tort de terrorisme et subi un imbroglio juridique qui l’a condamnée en janvier dernier lors d’un procès inique. AT: la librairie Violette and Co, 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. Bus 46, 56, 76, 86. tél : 01 43 72 16 07
15 Juin à 19h Rencontre avec MICHELLE PERROT, FLORENCE ROCHEFORT et MICHEL BOZON pour leur ouvrage Au bazar du genre : féminin et masculin en Méditerranée (Textuel) Mercredi AT : la librairie Violette and Co, 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. Bus 46, 56, 76, 86. tél : 01 43 72 16 07
16 June--Littérature « Bloomsday in Paris » présenté par le Paris Bloomsday Group The Paris Bloomsday Group – JEAN O’SULLIVAN, DECLAN McCAVANA and MICHAEL CRAIG GRADWELL - perform readings and songs from James Joyce's work, striving to make Joyce accessible to all. Their Bloomsday 2013 programme, features guest artist Rosena Horan. Bring a picnic and come in 1900s costume if the fancy strikes you. Lyrics are provided! AT: The Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5, rue des Irlandais, 75005 Pars--RESERVATION STRONGLY RECOMMENDED FOR ALL EVENTS. For more info:
16th June at 6pm Paris Literary Prize ceremony! To celebrate the winning entries of our international novella competition for unpublished writers, the three winners will be reading a selection from their works for the first time in public. Seats are LIMITED and will be allocated via RSVP to [email protected] (email title: 'RSVP Prize Ceremony - Reservation'). Reservations will be held until 5.45pm, after which they will be reallocated. Extra seating outside the shop, weather permitting. AT: Shakespeare and Company, 37, rue de la Bucherie, 75005. M° St Michel or Cluny la Sorbonne.
16 June à 18h: Virginia Galvan interprètera des textes issus du site. Ceci sera complété par une lecture par l'auteur. Ce travail est issu d'une collaboration artistique entre Virginia Galvan, Frédéric Benhaim et Linda Blanchet (Compagnie Hanna R.). Au Théâtre le Passage vers les étoiles, 17 cité Joly, M° Père Lachaise. Contribution libre, inscription : [email protected]
17th June 7pm A summer’s evening of verse with three wonderful poets – CHRIS GARRECHT-WILLIAMS, TINO VILLANUEVA, and ALEJANDRO Murguía, the San Francisco Poet Laureate. AT: Shakespeare and Company, 37, rue de la Bucherie, 75005. M° St Michel or Cluny la Sorbonne.
17 June 19h30- SpokenWord – open mic/scène ouverte: performance poetry, stand up, monologue, stories, beat poetry, sketches, songs, spoken word. Au Chat Noir, 76 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud. Métro Parmentier/Couronnes. Run by David Barnes & Alberto Rigettini.
TUESDAY 18 June at 7 p.m. POETS LIVE reading with SUE CHENETTE (Canadian poet), DYLAN HARRIS (British poet and publisher based in Luxemborg) and ANDREW PARKIN. AT: Carr’s Pub,1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, Métro: Tuileries or Concorde.
18 Juin prochain À 19H30, dans le cadre des Mille-Feuilles au restaurant Le Trumilou [84 quai de l’Hôtel de Ville – 75004 Paris, métros: Pont-Marie ou Hôtel-de-Ville], nous pourrons rencontrer et entendre: Catherine CUSSET, romancière, essayiste, pour : Indigo, dixième roman, Gallimard, 2013, Yves CUSSET, philosophe, enseignant, écrivain et comédien, pour: La Vie rêvée des philosophes – Biographies extravagantes, François Bourin, 2012, François CUSSET, historien, enseignant et écrivain, pour: À l’abri du déclin du monde, roman, P.O.L, 2012. Ces trois livres seront disponibles sur place grâce à la Librairie LA BELLE LURETTE, sise 26 rue Saint-Antoine – 75004 Paris. IL EST IMPÉRATIF DE RÉSERVER (au moins 5 JOURS à l'avance) :06 08 43 50 53 ou [email protected]
18 June 19h30 Evenings with an Author: architect STEPHANE KIRKLAND talks about the making of a modern city in his book Paris Reborn. About the book: The French capital underwent an epic transformation in the second half of the 19th century, led by Baron Georges-Eugène Haussmann, following the vision of Napoleon III. In his book Paris Reborn: Napoléon III, Baron Haussmann, and the Quest to Build a Modern City, author and architect Stephane Kirkland takes us through the evolution of Paris, the politics of its urban design and the controversy surrounding the massive project. AT: the AMERICAN LIBRARY in Paris, 10, rue du Général Camou 75007 Paris Metro: Ecole Militaire (line 8), Alma-Marceau (line 9), RER: Pont de l'Alma (line C), Bus Routes: 42, 63, 69, 80, 82, 87, 92
19 June at 19h30: Evenings with an Author: aviation expert MARK GERCHICK’s book, Full Upright and Locked Positions: Not-So-Comfortable Truths about Air Travel Today, gives readers an inside view of the changes in air travel since 9/11. He gives a procedural look at how the business works from the inside out, as well as the politics and perspectives on all sides of this issue that affects all air travelers. AT: the AMERICAN LIBRARY in Paris, 10, rue du Général Camou 75007 Paris Metro: Ecole Militaire (line 8), Alma-Marceau (line 9), RER: Pont de l'Alma (line C), Bus Routes: 42, 63, 69, 80, 82, 87, 92
19 Juin à 19h Rencontre avec MICHELLE PERROT, FLORENCE ROCHEFORT et MICHEL BOZON pour leur ouvrage qu’il-elles ont co-coordonné Au bazar du genre: féminin et masculin en Méditerranée Cet ouvrage interroge les multiples façons d’être homme ou femme dans l’espace méditerranéen et redessine les contours d’un ordre des sexes bouleversé : mutations démographiques et maîtrise de la fécondité, revendications des femmes et des minorités sexuelles, rites, normes et nouveaux modèles, représentations culturelles... M. Perrot et F. Rochefort sont historiennes. M. Bozon est sociologue.
20 June 19h30-00h00 Paris Lit Up Open Mic every Thursday (in English or other languages too) AT: the historic home of French Slam poetry, Culture Rapide, at 103 Rue Julien Lacroix, 75020. Featured reader this week is Joe Ross.
20 June 7pm B.J. NOVAK (of TV’s “The Office”). B.J. Novak is an actor, writer, and comedian, best known for his contributions to Emmy Award-winning comedy ‘The Office’. First discovered as a stand-up comedian, Novak continues to perform live at theatres, clubs, and universities. For this event, he will be workshopping his first book, a work of comedic fiction, scheduled to be published by Knopf in 2014. AT: Shakespeare and Company, 37, rue de la Bucherie, 75005. M° St Michel or Cluny la Sorbonne.
20 Juin à 19h30 Lecture par Nâzim Boudjenah de « Ici dans ça » de Mathieu Brosseau. « Nous en savons beaucoup trop, bien trop pour être menacés, bien assez pour mourir à petit feu par le poison, nous n'appartenons pas au monde car le monde ne nous appartient pas, il y a une symétrie dans l'exercice de la propriété, un vol a été perpétré, celui d'une parcelle de l'âme, nous possédons ce qui nous possède dans la fiction de nous-mêmes, nous sommes des vendus et la parole nous tient par la gorge, nulle fuite possible, nous revenons d'un pays où nulle propriété ne fait loi, nous sommes en exil et la pensée nous charrie. » Ici dans ça. Page 45. AT: la médiathèque Marguerite Duras (Paris, 20e). M° Porte de Bagnolet
21st June 6pm Philosopher in the library, DARREN FREY, for his book Dr. Heidegger or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb: How folk psychology and actual empirical research suggest that technology impacts our ways of thinking. This talk will present the questions concerning technology that Heidegger thought were most important while outlining the general contours of his own thought. AT: Shakespeare and Company, 37, rue de la Bucherie, 75005. M° St Michel or Cluny la Sorbonne.
24 June at 19h30—New Directions editor, poet, translator and reviewer for the NYT Review of books JEFFREY YANG and Paris-based poet JONATHAN REGIER participate in Ivy Writers Paris’ celebration of COLOR TREASURY 002, "Rotation" by Jonathan Regier and Color Treasury 003, Newspaper, a compilation of 25 visual artists and poets, both designed and published by Sarah Lariviere. Readings will include CT003 contributors Jeffrey Yang, Jonathan Regier, Sarah Lariviere, Christine Herzer, Jennifer K Dick and Jacob Bromberg. Bios: JEFFREY YANG is the author of the poetry books Vanishing-Line and An Aquarium, the translator of Liu Xiaobo's June Fourth Elegies and Su Shi's East Slope, and the editor of Time of Grief: Mourning Poems and Birds, Beasts, & Seas: Nature Poems from New Directions. JONATHAN REGIER’s first book of poetry was published by Six Gallery Press (Pittsburgh, PA) in 2008. Recently, his poetry has appeared in journals such as Diagram, Upstairs at Duroc, or elimae, and his essays and book reviews have appeared in Drunken Boat and the Huffington Post. For more: Join our FB group on: AT: DELAVILLE cafe, 34 blvd Bonne Nouvelle, 75010 Paris, M° Bonne Nouvelle
24 June 19h30- SpokenWord – open mic/scène ouverte: Primarily in English but open-minded. Sign up in the bar from 7.30pm for your 5 minutes of fame. Poetics begin underground from 8.30pm. Make the words come alive. Au Chat Noir, 76 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud. Métro Parmentier/Couronnes. Run by David Barnes & Alberto Rigettini.
24 June 7.30pm lectures de Chris Adrian and Meghan O’Rourke (in collaboration with NYU summer program) Meghan O'Rourke is the author of The Long Goodbye (Riverhead), a memoir about grief, and the poetry collections Once and Halflife (W.W. Norton). A former poetry editor for The Paris Review, she is also a culture critic for Slate magazine and a founding editor of the web site Double X. She is the recipient of the 2008 May Sarton Poetry Prize. Her essays and poems have appeared in The New Yorker, Poetry, The Kenyon Review, Best American Poetry, 32 Poems, and more. Chris Adrian is the author of a short story collection, A Better Angel, and three novels, Gob's Grief, The Children's Hospital, and The Great Night. He was selected as one of The New Yorker's 20 writers under 40. AT: Shakespeare and Company, 37, rue de la Bucherie, 75005. M° St Michel or Cluny la Sorbonne.
25 June 19h: Corrupt Press author’s book release: m by Lily Robert-Foley; published by Corrupt Press ( ) M is a collaged poetic exploration and echo in the poetry of Lily Robert-Foley of Samuel Beckett’s works published by Faber & Faber and LES EDITIONS DE MINUIT S.A.: The Unnamable / Poèmes - collages à partir de L’Innommable. Get your copy HOT OFF THE PRESS at this event which will take place AT: La Mutinerie, 176 178 rue Saint Martin, 75003 Paris
25 June 19h30 Evenings with an Author: Novelist and Director of the Iowa Writers' Workshop LAN SAMANTHA CHANG, On Writing As the Director of the prestigious Iowa Writers' Workshop, Lan Samantha Chang will discuss the art of writing at the Library. Chang is also the 2013 Distinguished Writers-in-Residence with WICE, and will be teaching the fiction/novel course for the WICE 2013 Summer Writing Course. About the Author: Lan Samantha Chang is the author of a collection of short fiction, Hunger, and two novels, Inheritance and All Is Forgotten, Nothing Is Lost. Her work has been translated into nine languages and has been chosen twice for The Best American Short Stories. She has received creative writing fellowships from Stanford University, Princeton University, the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, the Guggenheim Foundation, and the National Endowment for the Arts. AT: the AMERICAN LIBRARY in Paris, 10, rue du Général Camou 75007 Paris Metro: Ecole Militaire (line 8), Alma-Marceau (line 9), RER: Pont de l'Alma (line C), Bus Routes: 42, 63, 69, 80, 82, 87, 92
26 June at 19h30 Evenings with an Author: DAVID DOWNIE will present his book Paris to the Pyrenees: A Skeptic Pilgrim Walks the Way of Saint James. AT: the AMERICAN LIBRARY in Paris, 10, rue du Général Camou 75007 Paris Metro: Ecole Militaire (line 8), Alma-Marceau (line 9), RER: Pont de l'Alma (line C), Bus Routes: 42, 63, 69, 80, 82, 87, 92
26 Juin à 19h Rencontre avec GENEVIÈVE GUILPAIN pour la parution de son essai Les célibataires, des femmes singulières (L’Harmattan)Invisibles sur la scène sociale et historique, alors qu’elles se sont souvent exprimés par leurs journaux intimes, leurs fictions ou essais philosophiques et féministes, les femmes célibataires sont d’excellentes observatrices de la scène sociale et du jeu des rapports de sexe.
27 Juin à 19h30 BILINGUAL ENGLISH FRENCH READING WITH Double Change vous invite à une lecture de Elaine EQUI et Daniel POZNER. A l'occasion de la parution de Trois mots. Daniel Pozner en fera une lecture accompagné de Sarah MAHE-CARMONA aux percussions. BIOS : ELAINE EQUI a publié de nombreux livres de poésie dont Voice-Over qui a remporté le prix San Francisco State Poetry Award, Ripple Effect: New & Selected Poems, pré-sélectionné pour le L.A. Times Book Award et le Griffin Poetry Prize, et, plus récemment, Click and Clone. Les textes d’Elaine Equi ont paru dans de nombreuses anthologies ainsi que dans des publications comme The Nation, Poetry, The New Yorker, et plusieurs éditions de The Best American Poetry. Elaine Equi enseigne à New York University et dans les programmes de Master of Fine Arts de The New School et du City College of New York. DANIEL POZNER est l’auteur de plusieurs livres de poèmes, notamment Pft ! (Le Quartanier, 2009), Les animaux de Camin (Derrière la salle de bains, 2009), Le géographe est ailleurs (Passage d’encres, 2010). Lecture bilingue. Entrée libre. AT: GALERIE JÉRÔME POGGI + OBJET DE PRODUCTION, 115/117, rue La Fayette – 75010 Paris - Tél. : + 33 (0)9 51 02 51 88 M° Gare du Nord ou Poissonnière – Parking Vinci rue des Petits Hôtels
27 June: An evening of POETRY and MUSIC to close off the month of Marche de la Poésie’s around the marché events. The final magical evening of the Festival de la Périphérie in which Ireland was particularly honoured during the Marché de la Poésie will take place at the CCI. Poetry by Harry Clifton, Vona Groarke and Derek Mahon and sweet music will be followed by a buffet under the stars, sheltered by the enfolding wings of the historic old Irish College. AT: The Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5, rue des Irlandais, 75005 Pars--RESERVATION STRONGLY RECOMMENDED FOR ALL EVENTS. For more:
27 June 19h30-00h00 Paris Lit Up Open Mic every Thursday. Rotating hosts Jason Mc Gimsey, Kate Noakes, Emily Ruck-Keene. AT: the historic home of French Slam poetry, Culture Rapide, at 103 Rue Julien Lacroix, 75020. Featured reader this week is Claire Dyer.
28 juin 17h, SALON LITÉRAIRE – THÉODOR STORM, accompagnée d’une diffusion du film. L’auteur de la biographie du poète, Jochen Missfeldt, présentera son livre « Du Graue Stadt Am Meer – Der Dichter Theodor Storm in seinem Jahrhundert ». Le salon sera tenu en langue allemande. Une interprétation simultanée sera assurée. – Goethe Institut, 17 avenue d’Iéna, 75116 Paris, Métro ligne 9, Iéna, entrée libre.
28 June (ALL DAY) Intoxication 2013 (at Granville Barker room, 4th floor, University of London Institute in Paris, 9-11 rue de Constantine, 7th arrondissement, Paris (Métro: Invalides). This conference considers the relationship of intoxication to writing produced both in French and in France. Panel Topics include: Intoxication in the Nineteenth-Century, Paris, Capital of Intoxication, Poetic Intoxications, Dipsomaniacal novel(ist)s, Biopolitical Intoxications and Critiques of Intoxication in Theory and Politics. Simone Paterman (Université Paris VIII), will lecture on ‘L’abstinence créatrice. Les errances de Jack Kerouac et d’Henry Miller à Paris’.
29 June—REID READ annual poetry translation seminar closes the season for many locals with an annual event, often in the lovely garden at Reid Hall. This year will feature readings by a number of French and Anglophone authors. Details will be posted soon.
See you next month! – Jacqueline Leahy