You may officially request a copy of your written exam from: Ministère de l’éducation nationale, de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche Direction des personnels enseignants, Service des statuts, de la prévision et du recrutement Bureau DPE A 8 34, rue de Châteaudun 75436 Paris Cedex 09 Questions about exam copies are dealt with by Michele Takacs . POUR L'AGREGATION D'ANGLAIS Les membres du jury recevront les candidats le 3 octobre de 10 h à 18h. The address of the President of the Jury is: Mr. Franck Lessay Président du jury de l’agrégation externe d’anglais Institut du Monde Anglophone 5, rue de l’Ecole de Médecine 75006 Paris For more information, consult the excellent forum of Agrég Ink. Agrég ink forum is an information sharing/support site designed to help candidates preparing for the English CAPES and agrégation exams, as well as teacher trainees (stagiaires) in their trial year (année de titularisation) and working English teachers.
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Step by step, even the most traditional bureaucracies and universities will have to embrace 21st century technologies and expectations. Of course, all interviews could be easily videotaped and publicly posted so all test takers could watch their own performance - and examiner comments included so the test become both an assessment and teaching tool.
But, for now, folks are at least allowed to ask questions about their exam results.
Posted by: Eric Roth | 14 August 2009 at 18:44