FCPE president Jean-Jacques Hazan told France Info: “A report submitted to the ministry in 2010 showed that less than half of short-term absences were covered in 2009 in secondary school.
Oddly, the French Education Ministry states the latest figures show 97% of absences were covered last year in secondary school and 92% in primary. Leading parents’ federation FCPE says this is “a lie”.
In one typical example, in Hauts-de-Seine disgruntled parents said a maths teacher absent since the start of January had only just been replaced. They said a “two-speed” education resulted as certain parents paid for private lessons so their children did not miss out.
The non-replacement of absent teachers is a recurrent problem in the French education system, and instead of getting better it seems to be getting worse. (see: "French parents protest absent teachers")
for full article see THE CONNEXION "Schools Struggling to Cover Absences" February 14, 2012