LE POINT – "Her tragi-comic story explains how France produces the worst English teachers in the world"
THE TIMES - “Laurel Zuckerman has split the academic world with a book that relates her experience at the heart of the archaic French teacher-training system.”
L’EXPRESS - "Absurd, ill-adapted, discriminatory. And dramatically funny…The French university system seen through the half naïve, half incredulous eyes of an American. The reader laughs a lot and concludes that reform is urgent.”
EDUCATION REVIEW - "Sorbonne Confidential...has messages for an American audience as well... By taking on an institution that began before the American Revolution, the book demonstrates how systems can develop around programs, allowing them to self-perpetuate without regard for their impact on schools and society...an argument for the power and importance of teacher education".
Now an e-book on ipad, Nook, Kindle UK and Kindle USA)