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15 February 2010


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"Ce serait la destruction du groupe-classe actuel..."

Et voilà l'un des problèmes du system français : le groupe-classe qui n'est quasiment jamais séparé.

OK, maybe it's a copout to switch to English here, but I'll be able to clarify better. I never understood why a group of students had to stay together all day long. I never understood why there weren't "groupes de compétences" in French schools. Why not place those who are better in math together, those who are better in science together, et cetera?

Oh wait, because that's elitist. I'm sorry, but sometimes the French take égalité a little too far. I found it extremely difficult to teach English to a heterogeneous group of kids. The better students were bored, the average students followed along, and the below-average students didn't understand and were disruptive. And I felt like I wasn't making any progress with any of them.

Somehow in the US we manage to organize students' schedules without keeping "groupes-classes" (see, I can't even think of how to say it in English, since the concept doesn't exist here).

Hoo boy, this one has me fired up. The SNES and other syndicats are going to block any type of reform the government proposes, just like they always do.

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